- Water borne diseases – Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diarrhoea Prevention
- Wash hands with soap and water
- before eating
- after using the toilet or changing diapers
- before preparing food
- after tending a sick person
- handling animals
- Wash and peel all raw vegetables and fruits before eating
- Drink only clean filtered/ boiled water
- Eat freshly cooked piping hot food
- Ensure cooked food does come in contact with raw food
- Store food and water in closed containers
- Refrigerate cooked food within 2 hours
- Avoid road side food
- Mosquito borne disease- Dengue, Malaria
- Use mosquito repellants and aerosols
- Cover doors and windows with wire mesh and screens
- Wear full length clothing
- Turn over or dispose any containers in the open, that can collect water
- Cover all water tanks and containers
- Change water in vases, drip trays, pet trays at least once a week
- Ensure there is no stagnant water inside or around the house
- Discard waste in closed trash bins